Thursday, March 12, 2015

Test Marc

Monday, March 9, 2015

Passé composé... parce que... imparfait

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dear Mom and Dad,

            I just wanted to let you know that I'm all right and perfectly fine after the incidents that happened at the satire comic company known as Charlie Hebdo. I wasn't anywhere near Charlie Hebdo when it happened, but I did hear about it on the news that thought that the whole incident was awful. Three muslim extremists attacked the Charlie Hebdo because of an earlier posting of a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed. The extremists then proceeded to kill twelve Charlie Hebdo artists and harm many others. I personally think that it was most definetly uncalled for because any act of terrorism is undoubtedly wrong but also that the muslim extremists wanted to instill fear in those artists, and that is a terrible thing to want to do. Charlie Hebdo is a way to express the right of freedom of speech, and when someone tries to take that away, it is wrong. They shouldn't have control over what you do just because they don't like it. After the shootings, there was a massive coming together of over four million people with a message that read, "Je suis Charlie", which I though was beautiful.
Your son,